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Century Mine Arial Picture

Century Mine Arial Picture

Arial View of Century Mine from Google Earth

Century Mine 5-22-16

Century Mine 5-22-16

Century Mine Portal near Collapsed Mine Shaft.

Century Mine 5-22-16

Century Mine 5-22-16

Foundations for Processing Mill.

Century Mine 5-22-16

Century Mine 5-22-16

Rocks piled to the side of the waste dump to transport material to the mill a short distance away.

Century Mine 5-22-16

Century Mine 5-22-16

Collapsed opening to Century Mine Shaft.

Century Mine 5-22-16

Century Mine 5-22-16

Collapsed shaft at Century Mine.

Century Mine 5-22-16

Century Mine 5-22-16

View of Foundations for Processing Mill.

Century Mine 5-22-16

Century Mine 5-22-16

View of Foundation Walls for Processing Mill.

Century Mine 5-22-16

Century Mine 5-22-16

Foundations for Processing Mill.

Century Mine 5-22-16

Century Mine 5-22-16

These two wires were lying on the ground near the mill foundations partially covered in dirt.

Century Mine - Mohave County


Where: Located on the East side of the Hualapai Mountains off Blake ranch Road.


Travel Conditions: Can be reached from a narrow dirt road lined with scrub brush.  I would suggest traveling with a 4 wheel drive vehicle or UTV.


Operation Dates: Unknown


Mining District:  Maynard Mining District


Description:  Not much information is available on the internet about the Century Mine.  Further research is required to learn more about this location.  There must have been some major production here to justify the processing mill.  


The Century Mine is an occurrence deposit site in Intermontane Plateaus of Arizona, USA mining copper and molybdenum. Located in the Maynard District mining district this small deposit is not considered to be of world-class significance. (


According to Western Mining History the processing mill was capable of producing 100 tons per day.  Western Mining History reports that a 1000 foot development shaft was sunk at the Century Mine location.


What you will see today:  I visited this location on May 26th, 2016 along the narrow road lined with scrub brush.  I was able to make to a location just below the mine and had to walk a short distance up to the tailings pile.  There is a short portal near the mine shaft behind a tree.  There is some collapse inside the entrance that looked unsafe to enter.  It appeared to be a prospect and not a long tunnel from peering inside the portal.


Walking around the fenced off shaft, there is some steel pipes protruding from the dirt that now blocks the collapsed shaft about 20 feet down.  Following a rock pile trail to the side of the tailings pile leads to the overlook on the concrete foundation of the processing mill.  As seen at many old mining locations there are concrete foundations with large protruding bolts sticking out of the concrete.  No wood structures or equipment was observed around the mine.


Comments:  There is a nice view across the valley East of the Hualapai Mountains form the mine.


Minerals Mined: Silver, Gold, Zinc, Copper


Acknowledgement:, Western Mining History

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