![]() Cerbat Ghost TownCollapsed wood building 6-6-2016 |
![]() Cerbat Ghost TownCollapsed wood building 6-6-2016 |
![]() Cerbat Ghost TownRock Structure 6-6-2016 |
![]() Cerbat Ghost TownRock Structure 6-6-2016 |
![]() Cerbat Ghost TownRock Structure 6-6-2016 |
![]() Cerbat Ghost TownRock Wall 6-6-2016 |
![]() Cerbat Ghost TownRock Wall 6-6-2016 |
Cerbat - Mohave County
Updated: 7/1/2016
Where: Mohave County in the Cerbat Mountains
Operation Dates: Early 1860’s shortly after Chloride the mining camp would continue to grow and become a town. The town faded out with the mining in the area.
Noted Aspects of Town:
Cerbat was the county seat in 1874 for a total of two years. It then moved to Mineral Park for a short time and eventually ended up in Kingman after an election.
Named Cerbat which is the Indian word for the big horn sheep that were once numerous in the area.
Post Office was established in Cerbat on December 23, 1872.
From June 25, 1890 to October 24, 1902 the town was known as Campbell
The first legal execution of a convicted murderer, Michael DeHay, in Mohave County took place on January 14, 1876.
History: Several mines were established in the Cerbat mountains in the late 1860’s and as people were drawn to this area a mining camp called Cerbat began to form. The town started as a collection of shanties organized by the local miners and in a short time, many buildings started to be established to support the growing community. There is a report of a surprise raid on Cerbat by the Indians in 1865 in which all but two white men escaped. The town grew with merchandise stores, saloons, and the typical mining businesses. Cerbat became the county seat for a total of 2 years before it was transferred to Mineral Park. Cerbat narrowly beat out Chloride and Hardyville for the county seat during the 1872 election.
Cerbat was a remote location that was not easily reached and the road to the town from Hardyville was a rough and dusty thirty-eight-mile trail. Miners cabins were present around the canyon area near the town with a free school offered for six months of the year. The town consisted of about 100 residents during its peak time of operation. Two five-stamp mills were located in Cerbat with one for gold and the other for silver in 1890. The canyon that fostered the town had several mines operating in the area including the Golden Gem, Esmeralda, and Night Hawk mines.
Cerbat built the first permanent court house in Mohave County and is known for being the first location to execute a convicted murder Michael DeHay for murdering his wife.
People: Michael DeHay
Mine(s) supporting town: Golden Gem, Idaho, Esmeralda, Night Hawk, Big Bethel
What you will see today: There is not much left of the old town of Cerbat and you have to look hard to find any evidence of the time gone past. Amongst the overgrown desert trees and shrubs are some old building wooden planks and some rusted tin panels. Caution must be taken when walking amongst the trees as there can be unsuspecting nails protruding from the old lumber. Be sure to go prepared with the correct attire for the conditions.
Also among the trees are piles of rocks that were used for walls or some appear to be fencing. I came across a couple of these stone structures that were partially built underground but all the material used for a covering above is gone and the areas are open. The more you look across the little canyon floor amongst the trees the more rock structures become visible hidden amongst the shrubs.
There is a cemetery in the area which I have not located but further information can be found on the Arizona Pioneer & Cemetery Research Project web site. http://apcrp.org/CERBAT/Cerbat_Cem_mast_text.htm
Acknowledgement: Arizona Ghost Towns and Mining Camps (Philip Varney), Ghost Towns of Arizona (James E; and Barbara H. Sherman), www.mohavemuseum.org/chrono.htm