Mica Giant Mine Arial Map |
Ore Bin at Mica Giant Mine |
Ore Bin at Mica Giant Mine |
Ore Bin at Mica Giant Mine |
Ore Bin at Mica Giant Mine |
Ore Bin at Mica Giant Mine |
Mica Giant MinePhoto of the Mica Giant Mine building, unknown date |
Concrete Foundation Mica Giant Mine |
Mica Giant Mine - Mohave County
Where: Located in the Hualapai mountains along the Moss Wash trail
Travel Conditions: 4WD
Operation Dates: Discovered 1928. Operated 1944 & 1947.
Description: A former surface and underground mica-feldspar mine on a group of 4 claims located in sec. 10, T.19N., R.15W. Discovered 1928. Operated 1944 & 1947.
Mineralization is pegmatite dikes in granite.
What you will see today: Today you will see an old wood ore bin with some of the structure falling down. Mica can be found all around the site lying around or in the other granite rock in the area. Some old concrete slabs and old miners trash around.
Comments: This was a great place to take my son and his friends to walk around and explore the area. They enjoyed finding mica and peeling it apart to look through the thin glass like rocks. I have not found any mine tunnels or mine shafts around the structures. There are levels of the mountain that have been worked and cleared.
Minerals Mined: Mica